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Terms and conditions of use and legal information

The website (hereafter “the Website”) is published by:
Praemia REIM, a French simplified public limited company (SAS) with share capital of €3.433.377 - Registration No. in the Paris Trade and Companies Register: 884 030 842.
Registered office: 10, rue du Général Foy, 75008 Paris
Postal address: 36 rue de Naples, 75008 Paris.
Legal representatives: Laurent Fléchet
Editor: Laurent Fléchet, Chairman of Praemia REIM

Elan Edelman, digital agency
25 rue Jean Goujon- 75008 Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)1 86 21 51 00 -

Sully Group
Registered office: Parc technologique Woodstock, Douglas 5, 97 Allée Alexandre Borodine, 69791 Saint-Priest Cedex
Tel.: +33 (0)4 37 23 83 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 37 23 83 09 –

Company name: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL
Siren number: 831001334
Siret number: 83100133400018 (the company’s registered office)
Intra-community VAT No.: FR30831001334
NAF/APE code: 6311Z (data processing, hosting and related activities)
Legal form: Foreign commercial company registered in the Trade and Companies Register
Registration date: 17/07/2017
Size of company: SME
Number of establishments: 2 (excluding the registered office)
Address of Amazon Web Services Emea SARL: Amazon Web Services Emea SARL, 38 Avenue John F Kennedy L 1855, Luxembourg

For more information about data protection, click HERE.

The information contained in the Website has been taken from sources considered to be reliable and up to date when they were published. This information may subsequently be changed. Despite all due care being taken, the Website may contain inaccuracies, out-of-date information or errors.

The information presented on the Website is provided for information purposes only and is in no way legally or contractually binding upon Praemia REIM, which, furthermore, reserves the right to change the characteristics of the products presented.
For data relating to securities and other financial information, note that past performance is no guarantee of future results and that the value of an investment in securities may go down as well as up, according to changes in the markets, as may exchange rates and the direct or indirect income from investments. Praemia REIM cannot be held liable for any interpretation or use of the information published on the Website.

Neither the Website, nor the information disseminated on the Website, should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy, subscribe for or sell the securities referred to, or as an inducement to buy, subscribe for or sell the said securities, in France or in any other jurisdiction. The purpose of the said information is not to directly or indirectly carry out any prospecting or make any offers of securities to users in any country whatsoever.
The information contained in the Website has been taken from documents considered to be reliable and up to date when they were published. This information may subsequently be changed.

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Praemia REIM rejects any liability for content and any damages incurred when visiting the websites towards which the Website leads through hypertext links.
Users visiting other websites do so under their own responsibility and at their own risk. Praemia REIM nevertheless reserves the right to request the removal of links.

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The names of the products, services and entities referred to on the Website may be trade names or registered trademarks belonging to Praemia REIM or third parties, and as such may be protected by intellectual property law. Any unauthorised reproduction may be punishable as counterfeiting.
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Praemia REIM does its utmost to offer users available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held liable for any errors, the unavailability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its website. Praemia REIM may under no circumstances be held liable due to the inaccessibility of the Website.