France Germany Italy Luxembourg Praemia Healthcare

Driving our assets on a NET ZERO CARBON trajectory

Our Climate Strategy

Our commitment

We are committed to continuously improving the environmental performance of our European real estate portfolio, with the main objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Agreements.

Our portfolio, valued at +€38 billion of assets under management, spread over 10 different countries, invested in 5 asset classes (office, health/education, residential, retail, hotels) and totaling more than 1,625 buildings, implies a very broad spectrum of coverage of Praemia REIM's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy.

of assets under


of our real estate investments undergo
an ESG non-financial rating process


criteria are included in our assessment grid
for the non-financial
rating of office assets



Our action plan:

1. Decarbonising our property portfolio
2. Monitoring & assessing our climate strategy

1. Decarbonising our property portfolio

Praemia REIM has placed the decarbonization of its portfolio at the core of its strategy. Aware that the real estate sector accounts for 38% of carbon emissions in Europe, Praemia REIM acknowledges the significant environmental impact of its investment and asset management activities. To address this, the company has implemented a robust carbon policy covering the investment, management, and divestment phases to reduce the ecological footprint of its portfolio.

Praemia REIM is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and aligning with a 1.5°C pathway in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Controlling energy consumption and, consequently, CO2 emissions, is a priority to improve the environmental performance of its assets.
Based on the projections of the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM), assets are placed on a 1.5°C trajectory, tailored to their typology and geographic location. This approach enables the prioritization of actions and investments needed to reduce carbon emissions, such as energy audits, replacement of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and optimization of usage.


The environmental criteria of the real estate portfolio are managed using various management tools that enable the centralisation, sharing and analysis of building data (energy consumption, water, building usage, equipment condition, etc.) in order to implement the necessary actions.

Our teams define specific action plans for each building, in conjunction with the stakeholders, primarily the property managers and tenants.


For the decarbonisation of our real estate assets, we collect data via the Deepki platform in order to guarantee the scientific reliability of the data by an independent player.

Our objective is to align the estimated future consumption of our real estate assets with the CRREM 1.5 C° trajectory on the basis of action plans reviewed annually (expected carbon savings, capex budget to be invested/already invested).
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2.3 Extra financial rating of real estate assets

To support our approach as a responsible investor, we have established multi-criteria ESG rating grids divided into 7 themes, applicable to all our asset classes:
- Offices, Health/Education, Retail, Residential and Hotels.

These tools allow us to evaluate any new real estate acquisition on the basis of extra-financial information.

Throughout the management phase, we implement a continuous improvement process to optimise energy consumption and reduce the carbon impact of our property portfolio.

Thanks to our pro-active approach, we are able to establish a precise map of our real estate, highlight the improvement levers specific to each case encountered and establish a relevant action plan:

  • Optimisation of the management of the building's equipment
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Investment work

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