France Germany Italy Praemia Healthcare
our range of
Responsible Funds
            Ensuring Sustainable Performance

We offer our clients responsible investment solutions that combine financial and extra-financial strategy.

We align our sustainable fund offering with local regulations and the Disclosure Regulation applicable at EU level.

The Disclosure Regulation imposes obligations on financial actors to disclose sustainability information in order to provide greater transparency and a basis for comparison for the end investor.

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Our range of responsible funds is structured according to its degree of sustainability

Our teams are committed to measuring environmental and social externalities.

We report on our actions and progress to our investor clients through various dedicated reports.
We are up-to-date with the latest developments in institutional SRI policies.


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Our methodology

Each acquisition is subject to ESG due diligence. The results generate an extra-financial analysis presented to the investment committee.

European ESG Rating Grid
  • Standard for all asset class
  • Integrate the GRESB pre-requisites
  • 60% Environnemental, 20 % Societal, 20% Corporate S, 20% G
Sustainability Risk Mapping
  • Relate to  6 risks projected at 50 year (source GIEC)
  • Risk scales and thresholds for proven risks
Estimated carbon emissions
  • Placing the assets on the 1.5°C carbon trajectory
  • Capex budget allocation per asset if required
  • Arbitration of mature assets

Learn more about our climate strategy

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We are committed to continuously improving the environmental performance of our European real estate portfolio, with the main objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Agreements.

Our portfolio, valued at +€38 billion of assets under management, spread over 10 different countries, invested in 5 asset classes (office, health/education, residential, retail, hotels) and totalling more than 1,625 buildings, implies a very broad spectrum of coverage of Praemial REIM's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy.